Wikipedia Trail: From Rama to a Greek Dish

As the main character of the Ramayana, and not having a single negative thing spoken about him throughout the story I've read so far, it seems Rama is a pretty stand up guy. He's blue, and I wanted to find out why, but the Wikipedia article doesn't say.

Javanese language
I thought this was a typo on "Japanese" but "Ramavijaya" didn't really sound Japanese so I clicked on it. Turns out, Java is an island in Indonesia, and Javanese is the language spoken there. The more you know.

Agglutination just sounds so...jiggly? But, from what I understand, it is the process of adding prefixes or suffixes to base words to change the tone/tense/meaning of the word. Like in German, suffixes can be packed on suffixes to create a really long word with a complex meaning. This results in Germans being able to create a word with a VERY specific meaning. For example, the word Donaudampfschifffahrtselektrizitätenhauptbetriebswerkbauunterbeamtengesellschaf means "Association for Subordinate Officials of the Head Office Management of the Danube Steamboat Electrical Services."

(logo for the First Danube Steamboat Shipping Company, from their website)

Yeah, exactly why I also clicked on it. Another example of agglutination from an Ancient Greek comedy that makes fun of agglutination. It's a fictional dish that basically lists all its ingredients in its name.

I like this EC.



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